
Thesis: Jewish Americans and the Holocaust. The Holocaust discourse in Jewish American newspapers, 1945-2000.
by Mieke Geugies In April 2016 I began writing my master thesis. But actually, the preliminary thesis process already started in November of 2015. During the second teaching period, students followed a tutorial course in which we perfected our writing and research skills and drafted a research proposal for the thesis. Students could choose between…
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NIAS Seminar: Joris van Eijnatten, “Mining an uncharted continent. Popular conceptions of Europe in twentieth-century Dutch newspapers”
Joris van Eijnatten, NIAS-KB Fellow, will hold a seminar discussing conceptions of Europe in Dutch newspapers. About the Seminar Riding the wave of new technologies, public interest and political concern, ‘big data’ has become a catchword in current research funding policies. Computers have become extremely powerful, fancy visualisations impress laypeople, while politicians often believe that…
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Lecture Seminar: Rutger van der Hoeven (updated time/location!)
Rutger van der Hoeven (1974) is buitenlandredacteur van De Groene Amsterdammer. Hij schrijft vooral over grote internationale kwesties zoals machtspolitiek, de strijd om olie, migratie, de ‘war on drugs’ of de economische crisis, en wisselt dat af met interviews met buitenlandse denkers en portretten van staatsmannen. Voor hij in 2005 bij De Groene kwam, was…
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Cultural History Seminar: Rosanne Baars
News in France and the Netherlands during the Wars of Religion and the Dutch Revolt From the beginning of the Dutch Revolt onwards, the Dutch were interested in news from France. They noticed how the French experienced similar problems on issues such as religious toleration, peace negotiations and conflicts between nobles. In the vast…
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