
Thesis: Ela and Ada: Gender, Class and Performativity in Penny Romances
by Celine Frohn In my experience the hardest part of any substantial writing project is finding a place to start. In the case of the master’s thesis, the first task was finding a suitable subject. My personal interest has always been literature, with a weak spot for stories containing murder, mayhem, and supernatural elements. When…
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Seminar: Siep Stuurman, The European Enlightenment and the Gendering of Progress
Our next cultural history seminar will take place Thursday, 3 November from 15.30 to 16.45 at Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, room 1.06, to be followed by a ‘borrel’ at Cafe Hofman. Prof. Siep Stuurman will present his paper ‘The European Enlightenment and the Gendering of Progress.’
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