digital humanities

NIAS Seminar: Joris van Eijnatten, “Mining an uncharted continent. Popular conceptions of Europe in twentieth-century Dutch newspapers”
Joris van Eijnatten, NIAS-KB Fellow, will hold a seminar discussing conceptions of Europe in Dutch newspapers. About the Seminar Riding the wave of new technologies, public interest and political concern, ‘big data’ has become a catchword in current research funding policies. Computers have become extremely powerful, fancy visualisations impress laypeople, while politicians often believe that…
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Joris van Eijnatten appointed as KB fellow
Cultural historian Joris van Eijnatten is appointed DH Fellow at the National Library of the Netherlands this Fall. He uses the digitized corpora of newspapers in the library to analyze the changing face of Europe during the twentieth century. In order to do this, he traces the popularity of all but forgotten European ideals such…
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Cultural History Seminar: Melvin Wevers
Tracking the Consumption Junction: Long-range dependencies and predictive casuality in 20th century Dutch newspapers. During the seminar, I present a paper that I co-authored with Kristoffer Nielbo during my stay as a research fellow at UCLA’s interdisciplinary Culture Analytics program. This paper analyzes whether whether advertisements reflect or shape society. Is the central purpose of…
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