

3 February 2017
17:00 - 20:00
The Anne Frank House, Prinsengracht 267, 1016GV, Amsterdam

CHU Excursion: Anne Frank Museum

anne frank house

The Anne Frank Museum (aka Anne Frank House) was the house-turned-museum where world famous (for all the wrong reasons) diarist Anne Frank hid from the Nazi’s in German occupied Amsterdam. Her tragic story is known to many of you, but now you have the opportunity to catch a glimps of the place where she wrote the famous passages of her diary.

AnneFrankWe arranged a special tour through the museum where they not only inform us about Anne Frank, but also talk on a more meta-level about the choices they made as a museum.

IMPORTANT: there is only a limited amount of people that can visit so be quick!
Apply before Januari 15th. You can apply by sending a message to the CHU page (and changing your status to ‘going’).

Students of the Cultural History master at UU only!